GLUCOGEL 240 X 1 |
#1 Vitamin C 1000-5000mg a day – the key that turns on the production collagen fibers the strongest most connective tissue substance and responsible for its steel like tensile strength.
#2 Glycine (1-2 grams a day) – the primary amino acid in connective tissue, glycine provides the firmness of CT. While not essential (the body makes its own glycine) increasing intake through diet and supplementation can assure a steady supply. Whey protein is a great source of glycine. And straight glycine supplements are also easily available via health store or the internet.
#3 Hyaluronic acid (100-200mg a day) – this under-appreciated complex sugar molecule contributes to detoxification and provides building blocks for healing soothing and growth and repair of connective tissue.
#4 Sulfur (MSM1000-3000mg a day) provides key support structure element for connective tissue. As nutritional content and consumption of sulfur veggies (onions, garlic, shallots, broccoli, cauliflower) containing declined rates of osteoporosis increased.
#5 Creatine Monohydrate (1 teaspoonful 3 or 4 times week, after workouts) – tripeptide (3 amino acids) that support blast energy and structure of bone and connective tissue.
#6 Gelatin (1 teaspoonful to 1 tablespoonful in 8 oz. of water once a day- source of connective tissue building amino acids. Soothes digestive tract inflammation for improved absorption of nutrients.
#7 Eat protein (at least ½ gram per day per pound of body weight)– connective tissue is made up mostly of protein. Eating enough protein assures a constant supply of these amino acids. Look for sulfur containing protein (meat seafood, whey, egg). Dairy and egg protein also supply growth factors which can stimulate the production of a thick robust CT.
#8 Bone soup –this delicious traditional food is a spectacular immune booster (Jewish penicillin) and it’s glycine and protein co0ntent are substantial easy to absorb. Eat liberally, look for the recipe on pharmacistben.com.
#9 Practice deep breathing techniques – Healthy oxygenation slows down secretion of bone busting cortisol and improves energy production. Lung muscles also propel lymphatic fluid promoting detoxification.
#10 Exercise – acute physical stress and weight bearing pressure stimulate blast cells production.
#11 Stay away from pro-inflammatory foods –This includes processed foods and refined sugar but food allergens including beans and veggies can all have anti bone building effects too. Inflammation promotes degeneration and slows down anabolic (building) activity of blast cells.
#12 Correct digestive health issues – minerals like calcium, magnesium and zinc and protein all key players is connective tissue health require healthy digestive functioning. Taking bile salts, digestive enzymes and apple cider vinegar with meals can improve absorption of connective tissue building nutrients..
I'm Ben Fuchs, a nutritional pharmacist from Boulder CO. I specialize in using nutritional supplements where other healthcare practitioners use toxic pharmaceutical drugs. I look at the human body as a healing & regenerating system, designed divinely to heal & renew itself on a moment to moment basis. "Take charge of your biochemistry through foods and supplements, rather than allow toxic prescription drugs to take charge of you.
#1 Vitamin C 1000-5000mg a day – the key that turns on the production collagen fibers the strongest most connective tissue substance and responsible for its steel like tensile strength.
#2 Glycine (1-2 grams a day) – the primary amino acid in connective tissue, glycine provides the firmness of CT. While not essential (the body makes its own glycine) increasing intake through diet and supplementation can assure a steady supply. Whey protein is a great source of glycine. And straight glycine supplements are also easily available via health store or the internet.
#3 Hyaluronic acid (100-200mg a day) – this under-appreciated complex sugar molecule contributes to detoxification and provides building blocks for healing soothing and growth and repair of connective tissue.
#4 Sulfur (MSM1000-3000mg a day) provides key support structure element for connective tissue. As nutritional content and consumption of sulfur veggies (onions, garlic, shallots, broccoli, cauliflower) containing declined rates of osteoporosis increased.
#5 Creatine Monohydrate (1 teaspoonful 3 or 4 times week, after workouts) – tripeptide (3 amino acids) that support blast energy and structure of bone and connective tissue.
#6 Gelatin (1 teaspoonful to 1 tablespoonful in 8 oz. of water once a day- source of connective tissue building amino acids. Soothes digestive tract inflammation for improved absorption of nutrients.
#7 Eat protein (at least ½ gram per day per pound of body weight)– connective tissue is made up mostly of protein. Eating enough protein assures a constant supply of these amino acids. Look for sulfur containing protein (meat seafood, whey, egg). Dairy and egg protein also supply growth factors which can stimulate the production of a thick robust CT.
#8 Bone soup –this delicious traditional food is a spectacular immune booster (Jewish penicillin) and it’s glycine and protein co0ntent are substantial easy to absorb. Eat liberally, look for the recipe on pharmacistben.com.
#9 Practice deep breathing techniques – Healthy oxygenation slows down secretion of bone busting cortisol and improves energy production. Lung muscles also propel lymphatic fluid promoting detoxification.
#10 Exercise – acute physical stress and weight bearing pressure stimulate blast cells production.
#11 Stay away from pro-inflammatory foods –This includes processed foods and refined sugar but food allergens including beans and veggies can all have anti bone building effects too. Inflammation promotes degeneration and slows down anabolic (building) activity of blast cells.
#12 Correct digestive health issues – minerals like calcium, magnesium and zinc and protein all key players is connective tissue health require healthy digestive functioning. Taking bile salts, digestive enzymes and apple cider vinegar with meals can improve absorption of connective tissue building nutrients..
I'm Ben Fuchs, a nutritional pharmacist from Boulder CO. I specialize in using nutritional supplements where other healthcare practitioners use toxic pharmaceutical drugs. I look at the human body as a healing & regenerating system, designed divinely to heal & renew itself on a moment to moment basis. "Take charge of your biochemistry through foods and supplements, rather than allow toxic prescription drugs to take charge of you.